Bromwich Joins Robbins Russell

Michael Bromwich

Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner and Sauber LLP today announced that NAFUSA life member Michael R. Bromwich, former Inspector General for the Department of Justice, has joined the firm as Senior Counsel.  Bromwich will focus on corporate internal investigations and white-collar criminal defense.

Bromwich has practiced law for 35 years in the public and private sector.  He served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (1983-87); Associate Counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel: Iran –Contra (1987-89); Inspector General of the Department of Justice (1994-99); and at the personal request of President Obama, took over the country’s offshore drilling regulatory agency following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

From 1999-2010, Bromwich served as a partner and Chair of the Internal Investigations, Compliance & Monitoring Practice Group at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP in both its Washington, D.C. and New York offices.  During that time he focused his practice on conducting internal investigations for companies, audit committees, special committees, and special litigation committees, and representing both companies and individuals in white-collar criminal investigations.

Bromwich will maintain the consulting firm – The Bromwich Group – that he established in 2012 and which focuses on independent monitoring, public affairs, crisis management, law enforcement, and offshore energy.  He will practice law exclusively with and through Robbins Russell.

Bromwich received his A.B. from Harvard College, his Masters in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and his J.D. from Harvard Law School. He was a panel member on internal investigations at NAFUSA’s 2014 conference in Boston.