Monaco Confirmed as DAG; Gupta as Associate AG

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, the United States Senate overwhelmingly (98-2) confirmed Lisa Monaco to serve as Deputy Attorney General. She served in the Department of Justice for fifteen years, spending the majority of her time as a career federal prosecutor and eventually being appointed Associate Deputy Attorney General; Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General; and the first woman confirmed as Assistant Attorney General for National Security. She has also served as Counsel and Chief of Staff to then-FBI Director Robert Mueller and White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor. She earned her Juris Doctor at the the University of Chicago Law School.

On Wednesday, April 21, Vanita Gupta was confirmed by the Senate as Associate Attorney General in a close 51 to 49 vote, when Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke ranks to be the only Republican to vote yes. Gupta has served as the Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the Obama Administration. She has been the president and chief executive officer of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Civil Rights Coalition. She earned her Juris Doctor at New York University.