White House Chooses Doug Jones to Guide Supreme Court Nominee

According to The New York Times, NAFUSA member Doug Jones (ND Alabama 1997-2001) will serve as a guide for President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee during the Senate confirmation process. Jones was the first Democrat in decades to hold a United States Senate seat in Alabama, and seen by The Times as an olive branch offered by President Biden “as he frequently co-sponsored bipartisan legislation during his three years in the Senate.” Once a nominee is selected, Jones will introduce her to senators and prepare her for hearings.

Jones is a long time member of NAFUSA and would have been installed as president of NAFUSA in 2018 if he hadn’t stepped down to run for the Senate. On April 20, 2021, Doug was featured on a NAFUSA webinar entitled “Justice Delayed Not Justice Denied: The prosecutions of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing cases.”