Rich Rossman to Retire as Executive Director

NAFUSA Executive Director Rich Rossman has announced that he is stepping down as the executive director of NAFUSA, effective as of the close of the San Diego conference. Rich joined NAFUSA in 1981 and served as president in 2009-2010. He became the 5th NAFUSA executive director in 2011, a post he has held for 11 years.

Rich served as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan (1980-1981).  He previously served as the Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney (1977-1980) and as the Chief Deputy Federal Defender (1972-1975) in Detroit. In 1998-1999, he returned to the Department of Justice, serving as the Chief of Staff in the Criminal Division at Main Justice.  He received his J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1964.

Rich and Patty are retired and live in Northern Michigan in a little resort town named Leland. There isn’t a traffic light in their whole county. Nevertheless, they both intend to continue to be active in the NAFUSA community which includes many of their very best friends.