Directors Meet with AG Merrick Garland

Attorney General Merrick Garland invited the NAFUSA officers and directors, who
were in Washington, D.C. for the fall board of directors meeting, to the
Department of Justice to meet with him and members of his staff. The AG hosted
the group in his conference room on Wednesday, September 6, preceding the
board meeting on Thursday.

The AG and members of his staff graciously took time to speak individually with
each of the fourteen NAFUSA members and staff present, several of whom were
familiar with AG Garland and/or had worked with him in the past. Later he
addressed the group with brief remarks, giving a nod to the dedicated employees
of the Department of Justice and their commitment to the rule of law during
challenging times. He was complimentary of NAFUSA and the opportunity it
provides for interaction with USAs from different administrations and districts. The
Attorney General also expressed a strong desire to have other opportunities to
engage with NAFUSA members.