NAFUSA Membership Statistics

As its members know, NAFUSA was founded in March 1979, as a non-profit, by a
handful of former United States Attorneys with a stated purpose to “promote,
defend and further the integrity and the preservation of the litigating authority
and independence of the office of the United States Attorney…” Its first president
was co-founder Bill Mulligan, a Carter appointee from the Eastern District of

Since that time, NAFUSA has grown in numbers and to be a more diverse
organization reflecting the appointments made by the presidential administrations
and Attorneys General in the intervening years. We now have over 370 members
and continue to grow. While the chance to reconnect with former Department of
Justice (DOJ) colleagues, to obtain continuing legal education hours in beautiful
venues with great camaraderie, and to develop business opportunities remain
motivating factors for new membership, the founding principles remain the same.
NAFUSA continues to be a great value and a dynamic organization.

With every presidential election cycle, we see an influx of new members. The
largest “class” of former U.S. Attorneys to become NAFUSA members in number,
so far, are from the George W. Bush administration of whom there are currently
81 members. Following closely behind are members representing the Trump
administration with 80 members. The newest member is from the Biden
administration along with 3 others from that administration to date. There are 68
former Obama administration U.S. Attorneys, 52 from the Clinton administration
and 40 NAFUSA members from the Reagan administration. Former George Bush
administration appointees number 24 and there are 20 from the Carter
administration. Finally, we have nine NAFUSA members from the Ford
administration, eight from the Nixon administration and two from the Johnson
administration. What amazing history is reflected in our membership!

Our members include not only former U. S. Attorneys, but also FBI Directors Bob
Mueller and Chris Wray, and former Attorneys General, Deputy Attorneys General
and other high ranking DOJ officials. One of the first Attorney General members
was Dick Thornburg, who served under President Reagan.

We look forward to welcoming new members from all administrations and seeing
them at our annual conferences!